

Sunday, October 6
10:30a Celebration Service

What We Can Learn From the Animals

As we remember our soul connection to the natural world on Pet Blessing day, we bless the animals that come into our lives to teach us.  They give lessons in love, care, and nurturing, responsibility, oneness, and non-resistance, and –ultimately–loss.  Bring your (well-behaved, socialized) pet to be blessed in our service!

Sunday, October 13
10:30a Celebration Service

There is Only Love, Really?

We profess to believe in the ultimate reality of the One Love – of which we are all a part, even as we face a world that can look very unloving. How do we reconcile our belief with the evidence of our eyes? Rev Mel & special guest Daniel Nahmod will engage in dialogue exploring this timely subject, and we will all be blessed by Daniel’s music.

Followed by pizza, potluck & a glorious afternoon concert!

Sunday, October 20
10:30a Celebration Service

Special Guest Speaker CJMiller

Embracing Samhain: Removing Our Masks to Reveal the Unique Expression of God 

Samhain is a sacred time when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds thins. We are reminded of the ancient traditions that encouraged people to don masks for protection. The Celts wore these masks not only to hide from spirits but to shield themselves from what they feared most—being truly seen. Today, as we celebrate this ancient festival, I invite you to reflect on the masks we wear, not just physical ones but the invisible ones we carry to shield ourselves from being vulnerable and authentic.

It’s a moment for us to pause and recognize the ways we’ve hidden parts of ourselves. But what if instead of masking who we are, we used this moment to reveal our truest self—the unique expression of God within?

Sunday, October 27
10:30a Celebration Service

Special Guest Speaker Rev. Janet Ellis

Cut The String

Are you buried under crushing burdens? Projects that are too huge? Schedules that are too complicated? Maybe you are trying to do too much at once – trying to do everything instead of doing something.

Sunday, November 3
10:30a Celebration Service

The Power of Words

There is power in the thoughts we think and the words we use.  They illustrate the core beliefs behind them, and influence our actions and determine the reactions of the world around us.  Are we living the way we say we believe?  If we want to change our destiny it makes the best sense to start with our thoughts and words.  Are they filled with love?  Compassion? Cynicism? Suspicion?

Sunday, November 10
10:30a Celebration Service

The Gifts of “No”

No one likes to be told “no,” and yet—a “no” from the universe might be just the re-direction we need to change course and find we are headed to a more enriching, fulfilling destination. In the same way, the “no’s” we give to others define our boundaries and help determine the paths we take and those we avoid.  Every “no” leads to a “yes” of something else.  What gifts might we receive if we can learn to embrace- the wisdom of “no,” rather than fighting it?

Sunday, November 17
10:30a Celebration Service

The Practice of “Welcome”

What if everything that shows up in our lives is truly for our good?  Would we learn to embrace and find the gifts in all the ways life presents itself, instead of those we predetermine to be “good”?  How much energy do we waste judging and fighting conditions?   Let’s explore the practice of greeting all of life with a hearty welcome.

Sunday, November 24
10:30a Celebration Service

The Magic of “Thanks”

Most parents urge their children to say Please and Thank You.  They were considered the “magic words” that could open doors and were more likely to get us what we wanted than whining or demanding.  Could this still be true?  It is my experience that expressing gratitude is magical in that it opens our eyes to the blessings already all around us, and even opens our hearts to receive even greater blessings in our lives. Lets explore the magic of giving thanks this Thanksgiving holiday week.

Volunteer Calendar

Week of Nov 19th

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
November 17, 2024
November 18, 2024
November 19, 2024
November 20, 2024
November 21, 2024
November 22, 2024
November 23, 2024